Reweaving Songlines of Hope

Diana Sands PhD, Clinical Member PACFA and CAPA

Songlines are illuminated pathways between worlds, songs that map the physical and spiritual worlds in Australian Indigenous belief systems. In the aftermath of a tragic death the known world of the family can become a lonely, confusing and unfamiliar landscape. While the family struggles to cope with intense grief it is often the mother who carries much of the responsibility for the ongoing demands of attending to the daily needs of children and family life. Reweaving the Songlines is for mothers who are the weavers of their family heart path. Wearied with your grief it can feel overwhelming finding a new path of hope for your family. This workshop will support and nurture mothers...

  • Affirming your resources and heartfelt intuitive wisdom

  • Restoring your hope, trust and sense of safety
  • With your loved one as a nurturing and caring presence

In a supportive group of other mothers you will be encouraged through creative processes to find your own meaningful pathway of healing, reweaving your family Songlines and finding the inner strength and courage to carry on for you and your family.

    Facilitator: Dr. Diana Sands, is the Director of the Centre for Intense Grief, Sydney, and has, for over two decades, provided family counselling and group programs for adults, adolescents and children. Diana lectures on Loss and Grief, Suicide Prevention, Postvention and Intervention, and has presented workshops and seminars in Australia and overseas based on her book and DVD ‘Red Chocolate Elephants: For Children Bereaved by Suicide’ and her research in suicide bereavement and the 'Tripartite Walking in the Shoes Model’.

Funded by Wings of Hope
Location: Mosman
Please contact Diana for information
Phone: 0414 721 653


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